Could a happy cat suddenly become a sad cat?
Whether sometimes seemed to you that your cheerful and playful cat suddenly became sad cat, apathetic, indifferent, or in one word strange?
No, this was not a vision, it is very much possible.
Although cats are known as an autonomous, independent and somewhat headstrong beings, many owners will confirm that they are nevertheless very emotional animals.
Yes, believe me, every cat mourns and sometimes these feeling expresses pretty clearly.
Cats like stability, they don’t like changes.
The worst and the biggest change that one cat can survive is the loss of beloved member of their community.
However, just like people, cats can suffer from sadness, sorrow and depression for many other reasons, which may ultimately result with the sad cat behavior.
How to tell if your cat is depressed or grieves for something?
Well, cats behavior is the answer which can lead to a pretty clear conclusions about their mood.
So, if you conclude: “It seems like my cat is sad”, should not think that you see things wrongly and that you are mistaken.
Here are some cat behavior problems that can be very good indicator of her feelings;
Change of appetite
Sad cat often completely refuses food.
The food is really important for all beings, as well as for cats because without the food, cats weakens and dehydrates. Therefore, if you notice that your cat won’t eat all day, take her to the veterinarian right away.
Change of energy
Cat that grieves suddenly changes her amount of energy – she’s really slow, lethargic, not in the mood for anything or suddenly jumps around like crazy.
Whichever scenario has happened, it means that the cat seeks emotional satisfaction by their behavior. Therefore, show consideration for your cat which turned into a rocket or a lethargic animal and with gentle game try to persuade more moving.
If the cat is sad because of the loss of a member of the community, whether it was another cat, human or whoever it was, she will start searching and expecting him.
You can often see her pensively looking through the window or the door, waiting for someone to come back or moving to places where she previously hung out with those who are no more there.
Change of voice
When the cat lost a friend, besides she’s searching for him, she often calls him.
Usually this will be sad vocals coming out of her mouth in the most unusual time of the day or night. Also, if the cat was pretty loud before, after the loss of a friend she can become withdrawn and silent.
The need for intimacy
Sad cat has enhanced need for intimacy. She’s showing you that by constantly sitting in your lap, following you indoors, sleeping in your bed with you or she even starts to call you when you leave the house.
Many cat diseases are due to too much stress which occur when the cat is sad and depressed.
For example, it usually appears excessive hair licking and the hair in those places falls off, and because the immune system is weakened, often a variety of respiratory diseases and vomiting, diarrhea, constipation and cystitis are occurred.
Remember! She needs your help and support! She needs your understanding and attention!
Spend time with your cat, pet her, play with her. Only like that sadness could disappear and your sad cat could became active, cheerful, playful and perky again.
Foto: Zdenka Šećkanović/Loraleo/